Celebrating the restoration of Rome
Los 2601
Maximinus II, 310-313. Follis (Bronze, 21 mm, 4.76 g, 12 h), Ostia, 312-313. IMP MAXIMINVS P F AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus II to right. Rev. RESTITVTOR ROMAE / MOSTS Maximinus II standing facing, head to right, holding spear in his right hand and receiving globe from Roma, seated left on round shield, holding spear in her left hand. CNG E-Auction 337 (2014), 528. RIC 82 var. (no drapery). Extremely rare and of great historical interest. Minor roughness, otherwise, very fine.

This type was issued by Constantine I following his victory over Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge and the subsequent capture of Rome, or as the coin's legend proclaims, the 'restoration' of Rome. It can be dated to the brief period between Constantine's triumph on 28 October 312, and the onset of war between Maximinus and Licinius I in the spring of 313.
75 CHF
1000 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 13:41:00 CEST
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